As photography enthusiasts we all have different paths towards improving our craft. Some of us prefer taking courses or workshops, while others rely on practice & experience. But one thing is for sure: reading photography books is an excellent way to gain inspiration & knowledge that can take our photography to the next level.
In this article, we have compiled a list of the top 5 photography books that we believe are worth your time and investment. These books cover a wide range of topics and genres & they all have one thing in common:
they can help you become a better photographer.
"The Photographer's Eye" is a classic book that every photographer should read. This book teaches you how to see and compose great photographs. Freeman breaks down the elements of visual design, such as lines, shapes & textures & how they can be used to create strong images. The book is filled with beautiful examples that illustrate his points, making it easy to follow along & apply the lessons to your own photography.
"Understanding Exposure" is an essential book for anyone who wants to learn how to take control of their camera's exposure settings. Peterson explains the three main elements of exposure: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO & how they interact with each other to create a properly exposed image. The book also covers different lighting situations, such as low light and backlit scenes & how to adjust your settings accordingly.
"The Moment It Clicks" is a fun and engaging book that takes you behind the scenes of some of Joe McNally's most iconic photographs. McNally shares his thought process, techniques & challenges that he encountered while creating each image. The book is filled with humour and personality making it a delightful read that is both educational and entertaining.
"The Digital Photography Book" is a practical guide that covers all aspects of digital photography. Kelby shares his tips and tricks for shooting in different situations, such as weddings, landscapes & portraits. He also provides advice on post-processing, such as how to edit and retouch your images in Lightroom and Photoshop. The book is easy to read and understand & it is a valuable resource for both beginners and advanced photographers.
A spectacular collection of images that have been featured in National Geographic magazine over the years is available in the book "National Geographic: The Photographs." The most famous photographs ever taken by some of the top photographers in the world are featured in the book. A narrative that explains the photographer's method & the setting in which each shot was taken is included with each image.
In conclusion, reading photography books is an excellent way to gain inspiration & knowledge that can help you become a better photographer. The books we have listed here are just a few of the many excellent titles available but we believe they are the top 5 photography books that every photographer should read.
If you want to take your photography to the next level we highly recommend checking out these books. Happy reading and happy shooting!